- Waste Reduction
- Waste Recovery
- Minimisation of Packaging
- Recoverable Packaging Materials
- Control of Environmental Emissions
- Local Sourcing of Materials
- Environmentally Friendly Product Design
Waste Reduction
Over the past 10 years Taltech Engineering has pursued an active policy on Waste Reduction.
We now Recycle 95% of all our Waste Material & we are also a full member of Repak.
Waste Recovery
Where possible we have switched to recoverable waste & as mentioned above we now divert
97.5% of our waste for recycling purposes.
Minimisation of Packaging
We have minimised all our packaging where possible & the packaging we do use comes from 100% recycled material.
Our packaging does not contain PVC or ozone depleting substances
Recoverable Packaging Materials
We can offer a Service for the recovery of our Packaging Materials when required
Control of Environmental Emissions
Our Energy requirements come from a renewable source companies & switching to a Zintec Pre-Coated Steel as our
main raw material eliminates the need for treatment and the waste which this produces.
Sourcing of Materials
We manufacture all of our products in house & we source all of our materials locally where possible reducing
the transporting time & distance of our Raw Materials.
Product Design
As part of our Environmental Ethos we always use Environmentally friendly designs where applicable in all our products.
Materials used in our manufacturing processes do not contain substances which are carcinogenic, toxic, allergenic or reprotoxic &
they do not contain substances that are harmful to the environment.